At the Athens Dental Depot, our primary concern is restoring your smile, your function, and your confidence. We understand the many effects that missing teeth can have on your well-being. Some of these include your appearance, your ability to chew and speak properly and comfortably, and ultimately, your self-esteem. If you are missing some or all of your natural teeth, the Athens Dental Depot team can offer a customized plan that will not only improve your smile, but will change your life.
There are several types of dentures, so determining which kind is the right fit for you should be done by an experienced and trusted restorative dentist. Your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and jaw in order to customize his treatment recommendations to you. Some of the many benefits of dentures include:
- Restoration of function
Improve ability to chew with ease and comfort - Improve speech
- Rejuvenate your smile
- Improved facial aesthetics
Redefine your facial features and improving the shape of your lips and cheeks
Types of Dentures
- Complete upper and/or lower dentures
Custom designed to replace your complete natural dentition. - Immediate upper and/or lower dentures
Custom designed to be inserted the day the final teeth are removed.
Seated with a comfortable soft liner that can be added to as the tissue shrinks after the teeth are removed. - Partial Dentures
Custom designed to replace a few missing teeth, when the remaining teeth and gums are healthy. - Implant-retained dentures
Removable or fixed (not removable) dentures that are attached to dental implants.
For the upper teeth, this solution may eliminate the need to cover the roof of the mouth, as is necessary with a conventional upper denture.
Customized aesthetic dentures offer a comfortable alternative to common ill-fitting dentures.